Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Science ACE

Here are some of the pictures of the posters that I have created for my Science ACE.

The first one is a brochure on adsorption:

I feel that this conception about adsorption is very interesting. Before I even embarked on this Science ACE, I thought that we were supposed to research on absorbtion. I was confused since I thought that absorption was a really broad topic. Then I realised that the "b" was supposed to be a "d". And I started to do my research and found out many interesting things. Adsorption is very important in our lives. Adsorption of gases is needed to filter gases. When a material adsorbs something, it attaches to it by chemical attraction. The huge surface area of activated charcoal gives it countless bonding sites. When certain chemicals pass next to the carbon surface, they attach to the surface and are trapped.

Activated charcoal is good at trapping carbon-based impurit

ies as well as things like chlorine. Many other chemicals are not attracted to carbon at all. This means that an activated-charcoal filter will remove certain impurities while ignoring others. It also means that, once all of the bonding sites are filled, an activated charcoal filter stops working.

Next, I have also done a Poster on synthetic diamonds.


Through the process of this, I have learnt much more about synthetic diamonds. At first, I didn't even know that diamonds could be classified. I though diamonds were just diamonds. But after doing this poster, I have gained much more knowledge about what a synthetic diamond is. For example, I can confidently tell you now that synthetic diamonds are diamonds produced in an artificial process, as opposed to natural diamonds, which are created by geological processes. Thus, I have definitely benefited from this.

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